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School Board member from Oklahoma attacks gender identities with hate speech on social platform



OKLAHOMA STATE- Andy McGuire, a school board member with Velma-Alma Public Schools, issued what he called a “public service announcement” on Tik Tok, saying that parents who believe in more than two genders should kill themselves.

Posting under the name of “@savagegent77,” he was speaking to the parents who think it’s “OK for your child to decide if they want to be a girl or a boy or whatever other ridiculous-(expletive) pronoun you can come up with”.

“It’s going to be a shock, I understand, there are only two genders,” he said. “Let me repeat, there are only two genders. So if in your sick, twisted mind you got some other thought process going on about girls and boys, do us all a favor, find the busiest street that you can find, take your (expletive) out, lay down on the center line and do the world a favor.”

The school district officials were not available for a comment.

This video was aired at a time when some people believe that local school grounds are turned into battlegrounds by the conservatives, in a culture war over history, race and genders.

This includes turning the school policies on gender-neutral bathrooms and referring to the students by their preferred gender pronoun.



